This cigar provides an unbelievably smooth draw, along with the commonly flavorsome, weighty tobacco taste synonymous While using the exceptional Tiempo Medio leaf. It may be appreciated thoroughly in excess of many hrs.
I recently celebrated a milestone birthday having a box of Cohiba cigars from this online store. These Cuban cigars made the event genuinely Specific.
By 1968, the cigars ended up named Cohiba after the indigenous Taino word for “tobacco” and had been Castro’s individual blend, and only provided out as diplomatic presents to statesmen who frequented Castro.
The Cohiba Behike 56 Ceramic Jar represents the top of cigar craftsmanship, featuring an unparalleled smoking cigarettes practical experience. This confined edition piece not simply embodies the abundant heritage of Cohiba cigars but additionally showcases the model’s determination to excellence and innovation.
Whichever Cohiba you end up picking, you are able to believe in you are in to the quintessential cigar. Buy your Cohiba Cigars on the internet with JR Cigar nowadays to fill your humidor with a number of the finest cigars in the marketplace!
The cigar combines the exquisite features of traditional Cohibas so familiar to enthusiasts which has a size and flavor profile that cater to the modern cigar lover. As a result, the Behike BHK 56 is very basically a genuine Cuban cigar practical experience like no other.
The flavors meld jointly seamlessly, developing a well-rounded flavor that evolves through the entire smoke, revealing new depths and nuances with Just about every puff.
The smooth, gratifying smoke of a Cohiba cigar is a true testament on the mastery of Cuban cigar rollers.
For people thinking about adding this to their repertoire, I wholeheartedly endorse the Cohiba Behike 56 Ceramic Jar. It stands as a beacon of excellence inside a sea of options and continues to be a transformative addition to my own selection.
Should you’re a true connoisseur of Cuban cigars, Cohiba is a must-consider. And there’s no better location to get them than this on the internet shop.
Toasted Almonds: A heat, nutty cocain flavor that adds depth and character into the cigarette smoking encounter, evoking photographs of freshly roasted almonds.
Cohiba, the term for tobacco while in the language from the indigenous Taino people of Cuba, as we all know these days, happens to be the most sought-immediately after manufacturer among the Cuban cigars.
Abundant Cacao Nibs: An expensive, deep essence that envelops your flavor buds, offering a loaded and indulgent Basis for another flavors to create upon.
this cigar starts with a nice cedar Take note and also a touch of cream. while you progress from the to start with 3rd, a delicate sweetness emerges, accompanied by refined hints of nuts and a light spice. the smoke is sleek and steady, earning for the stress-free knowledge.